Thursday 2 February 2012

The '3' minute Short film shot in '3' hours with '0' Post-Production!

YAY! Finally!! Today was officially our first day at the Studios and so we began with our first project on a Brief based on the word 'TIME' (explained in my previous blog).
We started the morning off with a very informative demo of the HD Cameras we will feel very privileged and opportuned to use for the course productions. Simon showed us a host of operations ranging from simply turning on the camera to 'White balancing'. With that out the way and the cameras handed our to each group we were set for our first day of film production #ExcitingTimes (Yes! I did it again)
The title of my groups 3 minute film was 'RUN FOR YOUR LIFE'. A thriller based on three characters haunted by an anonymous psychopath; by whom they get simultaneously chased to a dark mysterious room where they get trapped.
Our basic idea for this was to produce a feeling of tension, mystery and suspense in the audience; making them question what is going on, why are the events in place happening, who is behind the chaos, what happens in the end...(you get my drift?) whilst feeling tense about the whole situation. We all worked really well together creating ideas for scene shots, camera angles, lighting etc. in order to successfully portray the story in such light. However, because we were all so drawn into the story line and production ideas we took more time getting everything as perfect as we could, and given that we only had 3 hours to plan and film without post-production, we struggled to keep up with time.
This is therefore very evident in our finished product as the opening scenes and first couple of minutes seem to have worked out very well but as it got towards the end it became obvious that the final scenes were rushed. This was a great shame as we all had high hopes for it but nonetheless we are satisfied with the outcome and very confident that had we been allowed enough time (or even the precious post-production privilege) it would have been a lot better. But then again, if we were allowed privileges like post-production, our creativity would have undoubtedly not been stretched as far as it was due to the fact that we had to think of ways to work out a lot of the production without being reliant on the idea of "Oh we'll just edit that later!"
I would like to forget the fact that we later showed up late (for 'obvious reasons') for the screening of every groups film. We therefore missed the first groups' film but for all the groups we caught up with, I have to say were equally impressive in very surprisingly different ways.
It is in that light I would like to conclude this post with the fact that 'Today has been very Productive, Interesting and Promising'.

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